Monday, November 7, 2011

Gia Baby Bump Weeks 30-33

Wedding Bump-30 weeks
Photo Shoot Bump-31 weeks
Halloween Bump (Honeydew)-32 weeks
Bump Baby Bump-33 weeks

My Little Pumpkin: Gianna's Baby Shower

I have the most Amazing Best Friends (Sister included) and a momma I adore.

One of my bff's Melissa Bruner did a perfect entry about my Baby Shower...I have to share. Thank you Mel for doing this pretty blog entry for me.

Gia Girl- you are so lucky to have these people in your life, I can't stress this enough.

Katie, C, Jules, The Melissa's (both B&W), my mom and mom in law-Love is not a strong enough word & Thank You isn't good enough. 

Clickity Click to the Blog:

Baby Shower Bump-31 weeks

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gianna Friend Grab Bag

Gia, you have so many hearts that love you. Lucky girl you. 

(CM girls you are my touchstone... thank you very much. See post 2 about how much I adore you... in case you have forgotten)

And after many weeks of guessing and waiting......we have finally found out that baby C is a baby SHE! 

You get to have a best friend from birth!! Carsyn Grace will arrive in March!!! Auntie C is gonna be a momma to a pretty little girl.  Your mother could not be more happy about this FYI.

I hope you and Baby C grow up to have as much fun as we did. 

I could not ask for a better bff than her momma.

Auntie Love- all for you & captured by Auntie Melis

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scary Bump & Harvest Girls

Momma always in Black.

29 weeks.
11 weeks to go.

Time flies when you are a gothic elephant!

This week my lovely loves and I met for our first annual Harvest Dinner at the Chicken House (Really called Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner). 

We laughed, we joked, we ate chicken. 

It was delish and it made me fall in love with my bff’s all over again. They be Awesome peeps.

Gia is lucky to have so many special Aunties.

I’m lucky to have so many terrific, pretty friends.

P.S. Special Yeeehaaaawwww to Mel Bruner her pinterest is being followed by Bumpsmitten!!!!
This is no shock because her taste is beyond. So follow her if you want to be dazzled.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Louisiana Woman Mississippi Man

Happy 3rd Trimester to me & G! 
 Sweet Squash Baby Love.
12 weeks left  

I’m still praying you come early. Not TOOOOOO early, but early enough to have a better “birthday.” 
Gianna Kathleen –Listen to your momma.
Auntie C has joined the “Gia kicked Me” Party, Nursery will be done before the baby shower (Squeals),  I bought Jason’s “Coach” gift from Gia, My Hospital bag packing has begun, Pumpkin and Pretzels, Strawberries and Jamba Juice are still regular occurrences in my craving stash, Birth/Labor plan has started to become a regular dinnertime topic, anxiety is a frequent visitor, and exhaustion is back in session.

Gianna has developed a fascination with Loretta Lynn.  The legendary Miss Lynn has been a frequent player on my iPod recently and apparently Gia adores her. She kicks and moves like a mad woman every time I play her songs.  It’s become a drive home ritual for me. I immediately get in the car and turn on Coal Miners Daughter, just to feel her somersault my belly. Little things like this makes me want her here so bad.

In other News…. 

HAPPY OCTOBER! The most wonderful, magical time of year! So much to love about this month, I don’t even know where to begin.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear Gia

Finally after weeks of waiting…you kicked your dad! To say we were excited is a complete understatement.  

We were the definition of SPAZ. 

I feel you kick all the time now, still mostly at night. You are not a fan of when I lay on my back, you really start the ninja kicks. (But that’s why I do it…evil (but it a fun way!) is your mother)

Your dad felt you during Grey’s Anatomy on a Thursday Night. (Obviously you knew how annoyed I was with how boring & ridiculous it was…they need to add vampires.) And then much to the delight of you Auntie Katie & Grandma you gave each of them a BUFFY sized kick after the Cowboys won Monday Night Football. (Your father is convinced you kicked only because they won…so that makes two delusional parents for you. Go Gia!)

It seems like my bump has gotten 2 times bigger in the matter of days. You must be growing like crazy, so keep up the good work.

Your nursery is still on hold until we get your pretty carpet installed. But I promise it will be adorable!

I bought my attire for your birth (Behold the Delivery Gown, See below.) 
I know, so stylish right?
 And look what I found! Cookies named after you my little pumpkin.
 Love your momma

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Baby Bump goes to Disneyland.

Vampire Pluto and Moi (pregnant face has begun)

Mickey Mouse Pretzels are momma’s new favorite cravings.  They have to be hot, fresh and served at the Tomorrowland cart (fan girl, remember.)

Walking the park is great exercise for me and baby G.

My mom and I went last Friday night for Halloweentime, too bad it was so dang crowded.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Grandma loves you.

Nana wants you here.

She loves you so much… she started a countdown and updates it every morning.

You are not even born yet and already you have a fan club.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

15 weeks till G.

Eggplant Sized-Miss G.K.B.

There are so many things I did not think/know about before pregnancy. 
One being, I never really realized how much of my body would be shared with the little bundle of joy inside my ever expanding stomach. 
Holy bra buying and boob growing Batman!!! Seriously they cannot get bigger can they? This is just ridiculous.
I didn’t know how tired I would be every single day.
Having my body sometimes quit on me because I pushed myself too much in a day.
I wear the same Navy Blue Maxi dress at least twice a week, and I could care less. I adore it. It’s comfy and relaxing and if I could pull off wearing it every day I would. The thought of jeans make me cringe.  Goodbye fashion, hello sweats and baggy tees.
The Fact that I WILL BE PUSHING this little human out of my body- Sure, I knew the mechanics of labor, but I didn’t think about it all too much until Gia started growing past the size of a Lemon. Then I realized oh wow, this is going to happen, ready or not.
But most of all- How so so so so so SO! Excited I am for Gia to join our sweet family.  (The so’s could go on forever, but that maybe a little annoying. But you get the point.) I truly didn’t think Jason & I were missing anything until Baby B became a Baby G.  Now I cannot think of a life without thinking of her in our future….if that even makes sense.
*Sorry pregnancy has the ability to take away good grammar and comprehension skills as well. Hurray!*

And now for the NON pregnancy/baby related portion of today’s post.
Crazy-That’s an understatement. It was sheer retail madness.  And I was a part of it (Go me!)
Just when you think you couldn’t love Target anymore than you already do…they come out with a stylish, chic, designer-yet affordable! Line for all to wear.
Only problem is, they sell out/website crash in a matter of minutes.
Really Target? Really?!?! You didn’t know it would be soooooo in demand. Pshaw.
It took four people (Julie, Jo-Ann, Diane & I) and like an entire day to get what we wanted, but we succeeded with only a few purchase causalities. It was a Missoni Bloodbath.
Gia's Newest blanket: all thanks to Auntie Julie & her quick shopping hand at Target.

                                                         25 weeks pregnant & Happy.