Momma always in Black. |
29 weeks.
11 weeks to go.
Time flies when you are a gothic elephant!
This week my lovely loves and I met for our first annual Harvest Dinner at the Chicken House (Really called Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner).
We laughed, we joked, we ate chicken.
It was delish and it made me fall in love with my bff’s all over again. They be Awesome peeps.
Gia is lucky to have so many special Aunties.
I’m lucky to have so many terrific, pretty friends.
P.S. Special Yeeehaaaawwww to Mel Bruner her pinterest is being followed by Bumpsmitten!!!!
This is no shock because her taste is beyond. So follow her if you want to be dazzled.
Loooove our new holiday tradition! And no way Mel is being followed by them?! AWESOME! I must go to her boards and look now :)