Eggplant Sized-Miss G.K.B. |
There are so many things I did not think/know about before pregnancy.
One being, I never really realized how much of my body would be shared with the little bundle of joy inside my ever expanding stomach.
Holy bra buying and boob growing Batman!!! Seriously they cannot get bigger can they? This is just ridiculous.
I didn’t know how tired I would be every single day.
Having my body sometimes quit on me because I pushed myself too much in a day.
I wear the same Navy Blue Maxi dress at least twice a week, and I could care less. I adore it. It’s comfy and relaxing and if I could pull off wearing it every day I would. The thought of jeans make me cringe. Goodbye fashion, hello sweats and baggy tees.
The Fact that I WILL BE PUSHING this little human out of my body- Sure, I knew the mechanics of labor, but I didn’t think about it all too much until Gia started growing past the size of a Lemon. Then I realized oh wow, this is going to happen, ready or not.
But most of all- How so so so so so SO! Excited I am for Gia to join our sweet family. (The so’s could go on forever, but that maybe a little annoying. But you get the point.) I truly didn’t think Jason & I were missing anything until Baby B became a Baby G. Now I cannot think of a life without thinking of her in our future….if that even makes sense.
*Sorry pregnancy has the ability to take away good grammar and comprehension skills as well. Hurray!*
And now for the NON pregnancy/baby related portion of today’s post.
Crazy-That’s an understatement. It was sheer retail madness. And I was a part of it (Go me!)
Just when you think you couldn’t love Target anymore than you already do…they come out with a stylish, chic, designer-yet affordable! Line for all to wear.
Only problem is, they sell out/website crash in a matter of minutes.
Really Target? Really?!?! You didn’t know it would be soooooo in demand. Pshaw.
It took four people (Julie, Jo-Ann, Diane & I) and like an entire day to get what we wanted, but we succeeded with only a few purchase causalities. It was a Missoni Bloodbath.
Gia's Newest blanket: all thanks to Auntie Julie & her quick shopping hand at Target. |
25 weeks pregnant & Happy.